Terry has Abi's birthday gift ready for delivery at their apartment in CA in October.

Abi enjoys the birthday gift.

We were fortunate to have Damon and his children in town from CA a few days before Halloween and Terry helped them make Halloween cookies.

Then Terry let them each put frosting on their own cookies.

Terry dressed up the grand kids and the house for Halloween and they did trick or treating at each bedroom and bathroom door in the house. Fun!

It was a ward Halloween party at the pumpkin patch of one of the members of the ward in Salem. Damon and kids were in town and each got to choose a pumpkin.

Everyone helped prepare the Thanksgiving dinner.

Thanksgiving dinner was terrific with Roy, 3 of Terry's kids and 1 of Ivan's kids, plus Dana's wife Ruth and Amber's husband Paul.

We received a surprise visit from Katie and kids Daniel, Natalie and Megan on Dec 9. They live in Panama City Beach, FL.